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From 10 Years Old to Highschool Cheerleader in Southwest Austin

Miss Sophia was chosen to participate in the first high school game of the 2018 season. She walked boldly onto the field, companioned by a doting member of the high school cheer team and Sophia performed for the first time at their side.

Sophia was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy and without her mother's unyielding determination, her treatments have awarded her health that is unexpected and she has regained her ability to walk, even the length of a football field to be center stage with sister cheerleaders.

Her mother needed a quick photography session right at their house, as the summer sun was sinking beyond the neighboring homes. Sophia showed me around her home as we talked about all the things that her acceptance into CC4C will offer her. She is so thrilled to be a part of an organization that helps children with rare disorders all over the nation. Being a part of the high school dream team, as team member, is creating wonderful opportunities to provide role models for Sophia and let her be a role model herself.

I love her deep brown eyes and gorgeous creamy skin. I love her brave little heart that makes mine feel like I can reach even further if I just borrow a bit of her courage. Thank you Sophia, it was my pleasure to work with you!

And here is sweet Sophia in a memorable family dress that she never had a chance to photographed in. Look at that smile!

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